Rosalyn Warner Personal Website: For those sad individuals interested in
my personal life, here are a few pages of
background information about my exploits. Been
There, Done That, Worn the T-Shirts. Take a quick
look at my work life, travels etc, etc, etc. Click
Here |
Flying Frog 2CV Website: Despite having driven, rode, flown and
sailed most forms of transport, my favourite of
all times is the much maligned Citroën Deux-Chevaux.
For the second time in my life I've bought one
and this time restored him. This is the story of
Charlie Charlie, Victor & Brian. Click
Here |
Mad Cow-Girl Website: The personal loony website of a Monster
Raving Loony. After standing for parliament twice
in addition to local elections, this website
keeps track of my political ambitions, or lack of
them, as the case may be. Click
Here |
Spoken in Jest Comedy Writings: A spoof version of the Highway Code to
show how people really drive, novels about the
exploits of the inept Roy King-Pratt and the
adventures of the Starship Tantalise with Captain
Quirk and his crew, are just a few examples of
what to find here. Click
Here |
Eight Ball Rally Website: The 2CV Eight Ball Rally took place in
April 2008. On this website you can find details
of the rally, participants, photo gallery and
trophy winners. The next 2cv Eight Ball Rally
will take place in the Autumn of 2010. Details
will be displayed nearer the date. Click
Here |
Loony Archive Website: This monsterous website is a collection
of Screaming Lord Sutch and Official Monster
Raving Loony Party history. An online museum of
Loony memorabilia and statistics for researchers
& general interest groups. Click
Here |